Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

For those of you who are celebrating the holiday, I hope the weather is treating you well for outdoor activities - the Fair, the pool, the cookouts, or whatever you have planned. In your honor, Dave drank a Shepherd Neame Spitfire (he's having fun trying out the local ales), while I had a Pimm's (my new favorite). It was business as usual around here. Well, that's not exactly true. Apparently some local workers wanted a day off too, so 2300 of the Tube maintenance staff began a 72 hour strike during the evening commute. Actually, I'm sure this is not what they wanted, but it is what they felt they had to do. It will make life interesting on the London Underground through Thursday. And if the strike doesn't get the desired results? They'll do it again next week - same time, same place.

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