Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Well deregulation and the free market make sorting broadband / phone / tv almost impossible for an outsider. You can however can post us a note to our new address! just send us an email or call
Judy's mobile (ok, so email us for the number, also send a brick or two of gold, as chris chatted for a minuet with jenny and it cost me and arm and _both_ legs :) ).

After surviving move in on Monday, Tuesday was spent by Dave and Erin in London connected to the net (and in some meetings). Judy organized the flat and Chris went exploring. He found the local Pizza Hut (guess what we had last night :) ). Today we spent 2+ hours buying food and the rest of the day buying other stuff ... find of the day -- my new belt is also a bottle opener! gotta love the Brits!

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