Events moved into high gear this past weekend. On Friday evening, Dave and I attended the Advent Carol Service at King's College London. It was a wonderful time of music, readings, and prayers - all by candlelight. (Good thing I splurged on those reading glasses from Target before moving here....) We had our first mulled wine and mince pies at the reception that followed.
On Saturday there was a live nativity in the town centre. Mary and Joseph didn't seem too excited about spending their afternoon on display, but the animals were quite content.
To the left of the nativity was a steel drum band playing Christmas music. And to the left of the band was the mulled wine...and mince pies! (Did you know that mince pies are filled with mincemeat, which nowadays is a vegetarian fruit mixture?) All of this took place under cover, because it was a cold and rainy day.
Sunday afternoon found us back at church, because this year it hosted The Salvation Army's "Carols for Christmas" concert. Brass music - what a great way to close out the weekend!
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