the winston is just down warmoesstraat from the train station. here is the front door.

looking back toward the train station you can see that amsterdam is all geared up for euro08, in particular the match tonight against france. (future edit: with a final score of 4-1, there was a party all night long!)

after an early morning run i snapped this shot of the same street ... "preparing" for the day.

inside, the winston has many art rooms. i liked
space, the room i had at my last visit best. this visit my room was titled something like "
visit my family," which i don't get ... but then it is art :)
here is a picture. perhaps you can explain it to me?

i could not resist snapping this door ... wonder what color the walls are inside??

finally, a picture taken on my walk from the winston to the royal netherlands academy of arts and sciences - a classic journey in amsterdam showing a canal, a bridge, and of course lots of orange!

sorry i can't post the picture from later that night when i walked home. for some reason the camera can't focus with all the red lights glaring :(